Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sam the toddler

There are hardly any calm quite moments in our home these days, since Sam has learnt how to climb on everything (I mean Everything) we are running around desperately trying for our 'NO's' to sound serious enough for him to listen. The problem with having a child that is earlier then other kids with walking, running and climbing is that they are not old enough to understand your discipline efforts or the cause and effect of falling and hurting themselves. This becomes very obvious when we take Sam to playgroups, the other children his age usually don't walk yet or are just starting (Sam started months ago) so they sit nicely playing with a toys unlike Sam who will do that for a short moment until he sees something much more interesting and literally runs for it, climbs up on it and is as happy as can be. This is all fine but the other parents don't have to run after their kids like their pants are on fire. Getting any type of conversation in is pretty much a write off for me. Today Colin finished work early and we took him to a drop in gym group where they had a bouncy castle, this was a big hit but again, he's not old enough to be in there with older kids and no kids his age are ready for it so he's left playing with mamma and daddy instead. I don't mean to complain but sometimes I miss the days of going to a coffee shop sipping my tea talking to a girlfriend while our babies slept in their strollers. I am exhausted at night after a day with him now as it's full on and non stop all day long, especially now that he sometimes only naps once. But I tell you there's nothing more amazing then getting to spend time with your kid watching all the funny things he does, seeing his personality grow and how he reacts in different situations. I am just going to have to get used to this new state of exhaustion of having a toddler and not a baby. //Nina

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