Tuesday, 6 March 2012

It's a wonderful day!

Below: The students cakes from their Entremet project a couple of weeks ago
 Below: Chocolate covered candied almonds, (Almond Dragees)
 Below: My easter themed mint chocolate truffles from today
 Below: Totally unrelated to this post but cute non the less, Sam loves to vacuum and sit on the table and eat raisins...

I do have another job, other then being Sam's mamma. Two (sometimes 3) days / week I work as a pastry chef instructor at North West Culinary Academy of Vancouver. It is the best job I have ever had, it actually beats having my own business as I don't have the stresses that comes with running the show. Take today for example, I puttered around helping students create chocolate ganaches, guided a student through the temperamental road of caramel making, guided other students of proper enrobing techniques. Then I experimented with an Ewald Notter (only one of the most amazing chocolatiers of our times) ganache recipe which resulted in amazing chocolate mint truffles. My colleague experimented with a macadamia nut praline and a blackberry truffle recipe, at 4pm we called it a day and went home to our kiddies. Today was one of those days I wonder if my boss's will realise this is all a scam and that people should not get paid to play. When I got to daycare Sam was super happy to see me which was the prefect "cherry on top" of my already great day! //Nina


  1. Ett sånt begåvat barn, kan redan dammsuga!
    Hinner ni lära honom tvättstugan tills jag kommer?

  2. Samuel brukar mest forsoka klattra in i tvattmaskinen och sedan stanga av den...inte mycket hjalp tyvarr : )
