Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines Day

What a difference a year makes, last year on valentines we had made dinner reservations to go out but ended up having to cancel as I was having what I thought was bad braxton hicks. We ended up ordering in but did eat in candle light, it turned out really nice except for the pains in my lower abdomen. I was really disappointed to have to stay in though. I had been ordered to stay home and take it very easy (my one job was to not have a baby yet) and had not left our apartment since my hospital stay and I was starting to get a bad case of cabin fever. Going out for dinner was a really big deal for me then but those braxton hicks I thought I was having turned out to be early labour pains and Samuel arrived the next day. Probably a good thing we did not go out.. One year later, we are eating under much more chaotic circumstances with a one year old running around. Yes, he can run. Now our dinners consists of usually one of us standing and/or the other cleaning food thrown on the floor by Sam. It has happened that one of us eat in the bathroom while Sam has his bath. Romantic, eh! But I am not complaining, I am happy to stay in tonight-infact I prefer it. Colin and I have a nice dinner on the stove, we will eat together tonight thanks to baby Einstein while admiring the beautiful roses I was lucky to get : ).  Hope you have a great  valentine, I am. My husband rocks and I am lucky to get to spend this night with him. // Nina

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